This is an access control system that offers functions of recording and monIToring the movement of employees arriving, taking breaks, leaving for the day after work etc.This system helps reduce administrative costs associated with managing cards, attendance registers, or time sheets .The system can operate on a single computer or on a local access network server (LAN) making IT accessible from anywhere in the organization.
Time and attendance applications are common in areas with large number of workers. A high turn of casual workers and part time workers. Larger retail plants, Hotels, Large commercial organizations are all candidates of time and Computer supplies and maintenance. The system consists of. Card and barcode scanner, Finger Print Reader, Hand punch devices.
The system Incorporates a highly reliable biometric reader with a high securITy finger print verification .This provides solutions that cannot be forged memorized or duplicated, finger scan reduces risks ,limITs reliabilITy and provides protection and privacy for all concerned with the flexibilITy to tailored to a company’s exact requirements.
This system supports up to 50,000 finger print users and comes with software to manage the fingerprint data base and enables fast configuration of the reader. Verification time is only 1.5 seconds. The system operates by finger scan and Store human finger template which is a person’s identITy and then provides access authorization time and location of user to any controlled systems by scanning a person finger. The finger record stored can only be for person authentication. within the finger scan system and cannot be used in any other way.
This is an access control system that studies the patterns and angles of an out stretched hand to a match. The system also supports up to 500 users with a verification time of 1.5 seconds. IT is suITable for every application that requires person authentication and identification.
This is most commonly known as a contactless smart card IT bears the employees identification .the systems incorporates a highly reliable card scanner that gives a person’s identITy and provides access authorization time and location of use etc